Wednesday, December 7, 2011

An Honest Letter to Myself

So I've been seeing a lot of celebrities writing "letters to myself at 16" in Skymall magazines and such. And it got me thinking about how incredibly unhelpful those are. I mean you can't go back in time and apply all those things youve figured out. It's pointless. But I appreciate the idea and have decided to write a letter to myself at 18 from my 18yr old self. Careful piglets things get a little deep, but I figured my fellow piggies would understand. Let the Soul searching begin.

Dear Sam,
Im writing you this letter because I know you're trying to make sense of the world and figure yourself out, but who better to help you find yourself than yourself? Nobody. I know things are really confusing right now. You aren't sure what to do with your emotions and trust me you have a lot of them. I'm here to let you know that it's ok. First of all stop spending so much time in the mirror. I know when you see yourself you see just a small troll with a bob. You see  every flaw even down to the little scars you blame on that cat attacking you. you see every split end, blemish, possible wrinkle. But when I look at you, when I really step back and look at you, I see a very beautiful girl. I think you just need to let go of stupid flaws and let yourself be beautiful too. You also need to get more sleep. I know it's hard for you and the second you lay down every thought and feeling you suppress during the day comes at you. But maybe that's a sign to stop suppressing everything. You've pushed a lot of people away in your life because you've been unable to tell them how you feel. How happy they made you or how they've actually hurt you. Stop being so cold. Let yourself cry when your sad. Let other people know when your happy. Also it's ok to be alone. I know you hate it, but take this time to figure you out. Figure out what went wrong all the other times and learn from it. But please, don't ever get content with being by yourself. Its ok to want to be in love. Everyone else wants it too even if they don't want to admit it. But this time let's wait to be with someone who likes you for you. Who thinks your jokes are funny, likes how you write, finds you as beautiful as I do, and thinks it's cool to be weird. Oh and who wants to feed you. Hey, a girl can dream. Just be you Sam. You may be weird and hard to understand but I get you and i love you. And it's not just me who feels this way! Put your mind as ease and know that at the end of the day you always have yourself to talk to. Which you do often.. Might need to cut back on that in public. Oh and please never stop compensating with humor. It makes ending deep letters to yourself that you post on the internet much less awkward.

You (Sam)

1 comment:

  1. When I look at you, I see a: mud boots and bini wearing, oreo eating, sitting in your closet talking to yourself, seven year old with a bob.
    I love you so much.
    And you ARE beautiful.


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